The Virtual School for children in care resources and links

Links to other services and further resources and reading to support children in care.

In this section you will find:

  • our latest Suffolk Virtual School newsletter
  • details of a few services/organisations we work with.
  • various links to resources and organisations that may be helpful for professionals, families and any individual that supports children in care.

Suffolk Virtual School Newsletter - Summer term 2024

Digital Library for Designated Teachers and Carers

We are pleased to offer a range of interactive modules to Designated Teachers and Foster Carers to support the needs of children and young people. Four modules will be available each term, selected specifically for each group, and each module takes between two to four hours to complete. They can be completed at your own pace to fit in with your commitments and you can choose how many you wish to complete. Once each module has been completed, the participant will receive a digital badge and a certificate of completion.

These information leaflets provide details about how to sign up. Once signed up, participants will have access to the modules released each term.

Partnership working to support education for CiC

We work closely with other services within Suffolk County Council and several external agencies too. A few examples include:

Useful links and further guidance