Professional development opportunities

Information on our training available for Designated Teachers and PEP writers, carers and Social Workers.

Designated Teachers and PEP writers

The training events provide you with an opportunity to develop links with the Virtual School and with other Designated Teachers (DT), as we work together to increase the progress Suffolk’s children in care make in school. Even if you currently have no children in care at your school, it is important that you stay up to date with processes and expectations should a child join you.

Ofsted is looking closely at the relationship schools have with the virtual school and information gained at network meetings. It has proven useful to schools during the inspections. Education outcomes for children in care are a priority for Ofsted and inspectors have told us that they will be looking closely at how a school prioritises work with children in care when making inspection judgements.

Our DT network meetings typically take place on a termly basis in each area of the county. The aim of these sessions is to share good practices and updates regarding the education of children in care and to also enable DTs from different schools to establish links and to share experiences that will benefit each other’s work with children in care and children previously looked after.

The network sessions are available to Personal Education Plan (PEP) writers and governors with children in care (CiC) and previously looked after children (PLAC) oversight as well as DTs. 

As part of our rolling programme of virtual DT network meetings, see the information below about our upcoming sessions – our aim with these virtual meetings is to check in with you and for us to offer any guidance and support you might require, for our children in care.

Our termly support sessions for Designated Teachers for Spring Term 2025 have now concluded. The training schedule for the Summer term will be available here at the start of the term.

If you have any queries, please email us on or call 01473 260818.

Online Training Resources

We offer online training packages, free of charge, to DTs. Access to these can be requested from the Virtual School office or via your Virtual School contact.

Recently, we have provided training via Education DESTY. Please also see the resources and links page for more information on online training.