Make a Change service

Learn about the Make a Change service, including how they work, their strategy, and how to contact them.

About the team

The Make a Change (MAC) team support all young people up until the age of 18 years who are at risk or are victims of child exploitation. They also provide support and advice to parents and carers.

The team will work with all forms of exploitation, including:

  • female genital mutilation
  • forced marriage
  • honour-based abuse
  • gangs/groups
  • trafficking/modern-day slavery
  • radicalisation
  • sexual exploitation

The team provides expertise to the mainstream teams in all areas of exploitation and will offer direct work with young people and children who have an allocated social worker in circumstances where perseverance or specific direct work is required, but does not offer specialism in isolation of the mainstream teams.

Contact the team

Get in touch with the MAC team: