PATH (Planning Alternative Tomorrows with Hope) and MAP (Making Action Plans)

PATH and MAP are person centred planning processes used by the Psychology and Therapeutic services to work towards a brighter future for people.

The research based creative planning tools, PATH and MAP (Pearpoint, O’Brien Forest, 1993) are led by two trained facilitators who use process and graphic facilitation to create a shared vision of a positive future for individuals, families, teams and whole organisations.

PATH is a positive process which always looks forward, draws on people’s ability to visualise positive futures and to plan backwards from a future vision or dream. It allows focused listening, creative thinking, goal setting and alliance building.

MAP differs to PATH by allowing a person or team’s story to be told first, before drawing a line around to represent containment of the past and begin to think about the future. This process then listens to the dreams, acknowledges the nightmares, and lists the gifts and strengths already present that can be built upon in the action plan.

These tools can be used with teams or individuals of any age where future forward planning and thinking together around a given challenge or issue are needed, such as times of transition and review meetings.