SEN transport support

Entitlement to free home to school transport for SEN pupils in Suffolk and support for students with learning difficulties and disabilities.

We make decisions about transport support as part of the decision-making arrangements for children with special education needs.

The statutory assessment and annual review processes involve gathering written information about a child's special education needs. This includes information which is relevant to a decision about transport.

Entitlement to free home to school transport for SEN pupils

Free home to school transport is only available when the council places the child in a special school, special unit or a mainstream school and:

  • the child is under 8 years old and lives over 2 miles away from the school
  • the child is 8 or over and lives over 3 miles away from the school
  • it is determined that the child’s disabilities are significant enough to need transport for a shorter journey

Travel support for students with learning difficulties and disabilities

Travel support may also be available for students with learning difficulties and disabilities at a further education college or a school sixth form after year 11. In some circumstances this support can continue up to the age of 21. This support is not automatic, families must apply for post-16 travel support for their child.

For more details go to the County Council travel website Suffolk on Board.