Special education needs and disabilities (SEND)

Information and support available at Family Hubs for special education needs and disabilities.
Suffolk Family Hubs

What is a Special Education Need?

A Special Educational Need means help that is in addition to, or different from the support generally given to all children of the same age. A school will only recognise a child as needing ‘SEN Support’ if they need further support on top of adjustments teachers make to meet the wide range of needs for all children in a class. A disability which creates barriers to education may also be the trigger for this additional support. SEN is not always about a child’s academic attainment. Some children may have other barriers to learning. A child does not need a medical diagnosis to be recognised as having SEN.

An Education Health and Care (EHC) plan is written by Suffolk County Council, for children and young people up to age 25 with high support needs that cannot be met by the support that is usually available at their school or college, known as SEN Support. The EHC Plan describes the child’s special educational needs and the help they will get to meet them.

An EHC plan also includes;

  • health provision to meet additional needs that could be developmental, physical, learning, behavioural or sensory.
  • social care provision to support children’s safety and wellbeing including family support and help to keep a young person active and involved in the community.

If there are health and social care needs but no educational issues an EHC needs assessment is not appropriate.

‘Special Needs Jungle’ have some useful flowcharts that describe the SEN Support and EHC Process.

Children in Suffolk with SEND

There are over 7000 young people in Suffolk with an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) and 12,000 getting SEN Support from their school. According to the 2021 Census around 10% of young people aged 0-25 are disabled.

Most children with special education needs attend mainstream school. If your child has difficulties with learning, it may be appropriate that for their school to identify the child as needing SEN Support and their early years keyworker or teacher will adapt teaching methods and materials to suit the child's style and rate of learning.

If there are still concerns, an Education, Health and Care Needs Assessment can help identify the level of need and whether an Education, Health and Care Plan is appropriate.

A minority of children with the most challenging needs attend special school.

Information and Advice and useful self-help resources

Talk to teachers at school or the school Special Education Needs Co-ordinator

The Suffolk SEND Local Offer provides information about the services available for children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). If needed, the Local Offer Advisor - 0345 606 1490, Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm can help guide you.

The SCC SEND and Local Offer webpage provides an overview of the support services available for families with children and young people who have special educational needs and disabilities. 

Suffolk SENDIASS provide free confidential and impartial information, advice and support about special educational needs & disabilities (SEND) for children, young people, parents and carers.

Contact for Families with Disabled Children also provides a range of valuable information and support. 

Getting local help

Local Community Support

There are a wide range of community organisations that support families of children with Special Education Needs & Disabilities.