Help with domestic abuse

Find support and advice about domestic abuse.
Suffolk Family Hubs

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What is Domestic Abuse?

Domestic abuse is any type of controlling, threatening, violent or bullying behaviour in the home setting- this could be from a someone you are in a relationship with, a family member or a parent.

Domestic abuse is not only physical violence, but it can also be emotional, sexual, psychological (how you think and feel) or through money.

Domestic abuse also includes ‘coercive controlling’. This is where the person controlling everything you do every day.

Babies, children and young people who hear or see grown-ups arguing can be very upset, even if they don’t show it. This could make them feel frightened and confused. During big life changes, like pregnancy, domestic abuse can get worse.

There are different kinds of abuse, but it is always about having power and control over you.

Domestic abuse can happen to anyone, and anybody can be an abuser. To find out more information: visit Suffolk Constabulary or Suffolk’s domestic abuse help line, ‘Quick Line’.

This video illustrates how to spot the signs of domestic abuse: 

Information and Advice and useful self-help resources

Some helpful sources of information, advice and self-help are: 

Respect - Men's Advice line

Bright Sky app

Suffolk County Council - Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence

Holes in the Wall - Child to Parent abuse 

Refuge - For women and children

Suffolk Police: Domestic abuse

GOV.UK: Domestic abuse - how to get help

HelpGuide: Domestic violence and abuse

Victim Support: Domestic abuse

Women's Aid: What is domestic abuse?

Lighthouse Women's Aid


Getting local help with Domestic Abuse

Local Community Support

You do not have to wait for an emergency to get help, if you are experiencing domestic abuse, it is important to know that you are not alone and there is help.

If someone you know is experiencing domestic abuse, talking can help. There are support services that offer free confidential help:

Leeway: 0300 561 0077

National Domestic Violence Helpline: 0808 200 0247

Suffolk Domestic Abuse Helpline: 0800 977 5690

If you are a child or young person, you can call Childline for support for any problems or dangers you are facing. You can contact them any time of day or night for free on 0800 1111 or talk to a Childline counsellor online.

Organisations that offer support and advice

Anglia Care Trust

Suffolk Domestic Abuse Helpline: 0800 977 5690 (open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week) For professionals: 01473 618660


Website: Anglia Care Trust

Norfolk and Suffolk Victim Care:

Phone 0300 303 3706


Website: Norfolk and Suffolk Victim Care


Phone: 01473 228270

Website: Lighthouse

Bury St Edmunds Women’s Aid Centre

Phone: 01284 753085

Instant messaging available though their website 10am-12pm


Phone: 07770 468698

Website: Alumah


Phone: 07597 337831


Website: Compassion

Waveney Domestic Violence and Abuse Forum

Phone: 01502 572143 or 07906 245979


Website: Waveney Domestic Violence and Abuse Forum

Independent Domestic Violence Advisor (IDVA) Service

Continue to support high risk clients with telephone support.

Phone duty ISVA: 07866 142139 


(Sexual Assault Referral Centre – SARC) The Ferns

Phone: 0300 1235 058


Website: The Ferns

Suffolk Rape Crisis

Phone: 0800 085 0520


Website: Suffolk Rape Crisis 

Survivors in Transition

Phone: 01473 232499 or 07765 052282


Website: Survivors in Transition

Brave Futures

Phone: 01473 353355.

Website: Here To Help | Brave Futures

National Domestic Violence Helpline

Phone: 0808 2000 247

Website: National Domestic Violence Helpline

Women’s Aid


Webchat available through their website.  


Phone 0800 999 5428

Website: GALOP (LGBT)

Mankind Initiative (Male victims)

Phone: 01823 334244

Website: Mankind Initiative

Men’s Advice Line (Male victims)

Phone: 0808 801 0327

Website: Men's Advice Line

Respect (For abusers)

Phone: 020 3559 6650

Website: Respect

Support available in your local area