Help with money, debts and benefits

Find information and advice on managing money, debts and benefits.
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Help with money, debt, benefits

The sharply rising cost of living means many families in Suffolk need help with day-to-day living costs. This page outlines key sources of practical help and advice.

Childcare Costs

Childcare costs: Government help with Childcare Costs

Free School Meals

Free School Meals: Find out if you are eligible and apply online

Support during school holiday periods

Families who are eligible for free school meals will be contacted directly by their school if they are eligible for support for the school holiday periods covering May half term and the Summer Holidays.


Food Banks: This is a list of Food Banks in Suffolk

Pop-up and Top-up shops: These are for anyone struggling financially to buy food. No referral needed just bring an empty shopping bag. £2 a bag for lots of groceries available at various locations across Suffolk. Find a pop-up or top-up shop in Suffolk

Visit the NHS Healthy Start webpage to find out if you are entitled to get help to buy healthy food and milk

Household Essentials

The Local Welfare Assistance Scheme (LWAS):  This scheme can help with household furniture and white goods. It is now open to direct applications. Suffolk Local Welfare Assistance Scheme

Period products: These are available for free through the Pride and Periods scheme in selected Suffolk Libraries


Energy Bills: Government Help with energy bills

Suffolk's Warm Homes Healthy People project: This helps vulnerable people and families make their homes warmer and cheaper to heat Warm Homes Suffolk

The Local Welfare Assistance Scheme (LWAS): This scheme can help with fuel vouchers (electricity and gas top-ups). It is now open for direct applications. Suffolk Local Welfare Assistance Scheme

Advice and Support

Suffolk County Council: Help for Households - find out what support is available to support you through the cost of living pressures. 

Citizens Advice: Confidential advice is available online, over the phone, and in person, for free. Find your nearest Citizens Advice

GYROS:  Gyros is a charity that supports migrants and culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities in the East of England including with information, advice, guidance and advocacy on issues including Universal Credit, debt, rights in the UK.

Christians Against Poverty: Christians Against Poverty

Help with money and debt: National Debtline and Stepchange offer support with advice and debt. Credit Unions can help with affordable loans Suffolk Credit Unions


Housing support: If you need help it is recommended that you discuss your circumstances with your local Housing Needs Team at your District or Borough Council.

Housing Benefit and Council Tax Reduction: If you are on a low income you could be entitled to Housing benefit reduction and Council Tax reduction.


Transport costs: Government help with transport costs