Relationship support for parents

Maintaining a good relationship for the benefit of your children.
Suffolk Family Hubs

Why is relationship support for parents important?

Children benefit and thrive from seeing their parents having a positive relationship. Even if you are no longer in a relationship with the child’s other parent, it is important to maintain a good relationship for your wellbeing and for the benefit of your children.

Relationships can sometimes be difficult to manage. The addition of parenthood creates an additional stress. Sometimes problems can be caused by lack of time and tiredness, which can then lead to communication issues. Addressing these problems will ensure your children have a more positive childhood.

Children watch us closely and learn from our behaviour. By providing a good example of how to maintain a good relationship, children will learn how to have relationships outside the household.

OnePlusOne - reducing parental conflict

Access free digital resources that are designed to help parents reflect on conflict in their relationship with current or ex-partners, as well as the impact on their children.

There are 3 free available resources available to parents:

  • MYBT (Me You Baby Too) - for new and expectant parents
  • Arguing Better - Parents experiencing high levels of stress and couple conflict
  • GIRFC (getting it right for children)  - Separated or separating parents experiencing high levels of conflict.

Create a free OnePlusOne account to access these resources. 

Parents can also access Separating better, a brand-new free mobile app, designed to help guide you through the separation process, find effective ways of co-parenting, and sort out disagreements, all with the wellbeing of your child in mind. The video below explains what the mobile app is and how you can use it. 

OnePlusOne also offer the following resources for parents: 

Relationships Matter - Our relationships affect every aspect of our lives. To learn how to make yours work better, create a free account – share questions and stories with the community, try fun and helpful activities, or get private support from a Click listener.

See it differently - When we argue with our partner or ex-partner, we can get caught up in the heat of the moment. At times like these, it’s difficult to find a way forward. We want to help you see things differently, and do things differently. See it differently videos are freely available to watch. 

Getting on Better Cards

OnePlusOne has produced nine Getting on Better cards to encourage parents to think about their relationship and how they can communicate and deal with conflict more effectively.

Solihull Approach - online learning for parents and carers

The Solihull Approach have provided a number of online courses that are free to anyone with a Suffolk Postcode which can be accessed and completed in your own time. To access these courses please use the website and register by setting up an account, adding the password of your choice, and on the second page in the righthand corner use the access code: WOLSEY to take you to the landing page.

The understanding your relationships course might be helpful to parents and carers who are seeking relationship support. 

Divorce and separation

Sometimes marriages and relationships end in divorce or separation and couples have to go their separate ways. If you have children, it's important that your break-up goes as smoothly as possible to have as little impact on them as you can manage as a relationship break down can affect all other areas of your life.

If this is affecting you or your family at this time, you can contact your Health and Children's Centre team for support.

Websites such as relate: help with separation and divorce and family mediation scheme are useful resources to help you make this difficult transition easier for you and your family.

Support available in your local area

National information and advice and useful self-help resources: