Anti-social behaviour

Find out what anti-social behaviour is, what action to take if you're affected, and how to report an incident.

In an emergency, or if you or someone else is in immediate danger, always call 999

What is anti-social behaviour?

Anti-social behaviour can be:

  • rowdy, noisy behaviour in otherwise quiet neighbourhoods 
  • night-time noise from houses or gardens, especially between 11pm and 7am 
  • threatening, drunken or 'yobbish' behaviour 
  • vandalism, graffiti and fly-posting 
  • dealing or buying drugs on the street 
  • litter and fly-tipping rubbish 
  • aggressive begging 
  • drinking in the street 
  • setting off fireworks late at night 
  • vehicle-related nuisance

It can leave you feeling intimidated, angry, and frightened. Organisations across Suffolk are here to help.

What to do if you're affected by anti-social behaviour

If anti-social behaviour is a problem in your area, you could:

  • talk to your neighbours to find out if they're affected as well 
  • if you feel comfortable doing so, talk to the person causing the problem as they may not realise how it is affecting you
  • discuss the problem with your local councillor

How to report anti-social behaviour

  • report an anti-social problem to your local district or borough council. Each local council tackle ASB in Suffolk by following a set of principles set by the Home Office to ensure a consistent approach across the county:
  • call 101, your local police force's non-emergency number
  • tell your landlord or residents' association about the situation
  • contact your local neighbourhood policing team, or attend one of their regular meetings 

What to do if it remains a problem

If you have already reported ongoing anti-social behaviour to the police, your district or borough council, or your housing provider, and you feel that no effective action has been taken to resolve it, you can request an anti-social behaviour (ASB) case review.

Anti-social behaviour (ASB) case review (previously known as the Community Trigger)

If you have already reported ongoing anti-social behaviour to either the police, your district/ borough council or your housing provider and you feel that no effective action has been taken to resolve it, you can request an ASB case review and request a review of your case. 

If you would like to know more, please contact