Frank: Information and facts on drugs; what they are made from, the effects they can have, and the risks involved in taking them.
The Source: Everything about your life from drugs and alcohol, health, education, housing to the law and your rights, money and benefits.
Sex and Young People: Provides information on sex, relationships and contraception (NHS advice).
The Mix Stowmarket: Access to information and advice to help you make your own decisions and life choices.
Childline: Confidential online advice on anything that is worrying any 12-16 year old.
NSPCC: Information on Child Protection within the UK.
CEOP: The Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre
Emotional wellbeing support
Phone 111 and select option 2 for urgent mental health support (24/7), immediate advice, support and signposting for people with mental health difficulties in Suffolk.
Kooth: Online counselling, support and emotional well-being support for 11 - 25 year olds 7 days a week until 10pm.
The Emotional Wellbeing Hub: Information, advice and support for children and young people living in East & West Suffolk.
Just One Service: Mental Health Support for children and young people between 0 - 25 living in the Lowestoft and Waveney areas.
ChatHealth: Anonymous and confidential advice and guidance from a health professional via text message (9am - 5pm) for 11 - 19 year-olds. ChatHealth Suffolk: 07507 333356, ChatHealth Waveney: 07507 333356
Parents and Carers
The Suffolk Parent Hub: Information and advice for parents on a range of issues that parents of both younger children and teenagers may face.
Fatherhood Institute: Information aimed specifically at fathers, on all aspects of parenting.
Single Parents: The parenting site for single parents, brought to you by the Single Parent Action Network
Family Lives: Offers support to anyone parenting a child; the child's parents, step-parents, grandparents and foster parents.
Pink Parents: Gay and lesbian parenting issues and advice.
HSB Useful Links
Please follow the link to the HSB useful links page below: