If you are in poverty and in need of immediate help, then please access the following support:
What is poverty?
Poverty is when your resources are well below your minimum needs.
Poverty is about more than just money, a lack of money is the defining feature of being poor. People are in poverty when they lack the resources to obtain a diet, have the living conditions, and participate in the activities that are usual in society. Their resources are so far below those of the average family that they are excluded from ordinary living.
Using 2018/19 figures for the average UK income, a household is considered to be in relative poverty if they have an income of £17,760 per year (or £308 per week) or less.
Poverty Strategy
Suffolk County Council has developed a Tackling Poverty Strategy and Action Plan with the aim of supporting people born into poverty, and those who fall into poverty, to be able to move out of poverty and maintain their position outside of poverty.
The strategy and plan have been informed through widespread consultation, co-production and research. We have:
- Reviewed national and local data to help us identify what the issues and needs are in Suffolk.
- Carried out co-production and consultation activities with over 75 local voluntary, charity and social enterprise sector organisations that work with people experiencing poverty
- Worked with 11 local charities to get the views and experiences of adults with lived experience of poverty
- Carried out co-production activities with 50 young people
- Surveyed schools
- Surveyed Council staff who work with people who are experiencing poverty
- Carried out research to identify approaches, initiatives and projects that are shown to work. This will help us match proven solutions with the needs we identify from the data and the co-production work.
Read the Tackling Poverty Strategy and Action Plan (PDF 787KB).
More information about this work can be found on the Healthy Suffolk website.
Co-Production of the Poverty Strategy
An important aspect of the development of the poverty strategy and action plan is that it is co-produced with people with lived experience of poverty, and the organisations that help those people. Our Tackling Poverty Strategy and Action Plan will be developed, delivered, monitored, and evaluated in partnership with people who have experience living in poverty.
If you would be interested in getting involved, please email povertystrategy@suffolk.gov.uk.