Avian Influenza (Bird Flu)

Find out where to get the latest information and guidance

GOV.UK has the latest situation in England for avian flu. This includes what biosecurity rules bird keepers must follow to prevent avian flu.

Check what zone you’re in on the bird flu disease zone map. By law, you must follow the rules for the disease control zone that you’re in.

If bird flu is suspected, 3km and 10km temporary control zones may be put in place around the infected premises.

If bird flu is confirmed, disease control zones are put in place around the premises to stop it spreading.

When a case of highly pathogenic avian influenza (the most serious type of bird flu) has been confirmed in poultry or other captive birds, one of the following controls are put in place around the infected premises:

  • a 3km protection zone and a 10km surveillance zone
  • a 3km captive bird (monitoring) controlled zone

When a case of low pathogenic avian influenza (the less serious type of bird flu) has been confirmed in poultry or other captive birds, a 1km restricted zone may be put in place around the infected premises.

Sometimes larger zones are put in place to reduce the risk of bird flu spreading.

There are specific rules for each disease control zone. You can find these in the declarations on the disease cases and control zones finder.

Disease control zones continue to apply until they’re withdrawn or amended by a further declaration. Disease control zones are only lifted when all the disease control and surveillance activities within the zone have been completed.

In all disease control zones, you must: