Businesses, organisations and individuals must have a Petroleum Storage Certificate (PSC) if they store and supply petrol to vehicles with an internal combustion engine.
Certificates are issued for the premises were the petrol is stored and dispensed, with no reference to the person or company (previously known as licensees).
Certificates do not have an expiry date and remain in force until either a material (major) change takes place or the site ceases to operate for more than 12 months.
The keeper of the petrol must pay an annual fee, which is calculated on the maximum quantity of petrol stored on site. The keeper can choose to pay up to 10 years in advance. No refunds are available if you leave the site during this period (the certificate remains in force for the new keeper) or the business ceases to trade.
You must contact us on 01473 264859 or if you are:
- thinking of storing petrol for the first time
- store petrol, but do not currently have a PSC
- are intending to open a new or re-open a redundant petrol filling station (PFS), as there are strict requirements on the design and construction of PFS
Fees are set nationally and subject to review, but are currently (April 2023):
List of fees
Annual fee
A |
Up to 2,500 litres
B |
2,500 to 50,000 litres
C |
More than 50,000 litres
Domestic and non-workplace storage
The regulations have provision for licensing domestic and non-workplace petrol storage where it is kept for private use only.
Petrol storage regulations
Up to 30 litres
Between 30 and 275 litres
Over 275 litres
Licence or notification
No licence and
No requirement to notify us.
No licence but must notify us in writing* with the name of the occupier, address of the premises
Licence fee payable dependant on storage quantities (see fees tab)
Storage arrangements
Common requirements
must not to be stored in living accommodation
must not be dispensed at the storage place using manual or electrical pumping of petrol from a storage tank
if the storage place is not in the open air, it has a direct exit to the open air and is ventilated to it
all reasonable precautions are taken in the storage place to prevent any sources of ignition or heat that would be liable to ignite petrol or its vapour
Not to be used in the storage place other than:
in the fuel tank of any internal combustion engine or
in quantities (not exceeding 150 millilitres at any one time), for cleaning or as a solvent for repair purposes
*Contact us on Trading Standards, Landmark House, Egerton Road, Ipswich, Suffolk, IP1 5PF or
Purchasing petrol in containers
There are no regulations that specify the number containers that can be filled and each Petrol Filling Station (PFS) will have their own restrictions on the sale of petrol in containers
The number of containers that can be filled is dependent on several factors, but a limit of two containers is normally accepted as providing a reasonable level of safety on the forecourt and ensures compliance with the non-workplace storage limits
Containers can have a maximum capacity of:
- Plastic containers - 10 litres
- Metal containers - 20 litres
Further details on containers can be found on the HSE website
Where circumstances exist that require the filling of more than two containers, both the purchaser and seller must enter into an agreement to ensure that effective control measures are in place, followed and understood by the person or persons filling the containers. This agreement should also include the number of persons required to safely fill the containers and a time of day when the containers are to be filled
Additional guidance and information relating to storing petrol: