Non-statutory consultation to provide a Primary School, Secondary School and Pre-School in Red House Neighbourhood

Our consultation, between 12 June - 3 July 2023 on a proposal to provide a Primary School, Secondary School and Pre-School in Red House Neighbourhood.

Suffolk County Council (SCC) is consulting on a proposal to provide schools at the Red House Neighbourhood. The proposal includes a 600 place Secondary School in phase one, 210 place Primary School and 30 place Pre-school in phase two, and potential expansion of Secondary to 900, Primary to 420 and Pre-school to 60 places in phase three. The proposed Secondary school in phase one is programmed to be operational in September 2026.  The timing of subsequent phases will be determined by housing development and projected demand for pupil places.     

A drop-in session will be held at Westerfield Village Hall on Thursday 15 June 3.30pm – 7pm, where plans will be displayed and representatives from SCC Concertus Design & Property will be available to discuss the proposal and answer questions. If you do not have access to the internet, we endeavour to display the draft plans outside of the Village Hall throughout the consultation.

This non-statutory pre-application planning consultation will enable us to gather the views of local residents prior to the submission of the planning application. It does not affect the right to comment on the proposals during the statutory planning consultation process.

You can view the plans for the proposed development below:

Have your say

We welcome your feedback on the proposal. You can complete an online survey or you can download a comment for here:

The comment form can be returned to:

Red House Neighbourhood Consultation, Schools Infrastructure Team, Endeavour House, 8 Russell Road, Ipswich, Suffolk, IP1 2BX