Post-16 travel policy for the 2024/2025 school year

Local authorities have a duty to publish their post-16 travel policy by 31 May annually for the school year commencing the following September.

Between Wednesday 21 February and Wednesday 3 April 2024, we are seeking your views about our proposed post-16 travel policy for the 2024/2025 school year.

We are proposing:

  • to increase the post-16 travel annual charge for a mainstream seat for the 2024/2025 school year by £90.
  • not to increase the post-16 travel charge for a student with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND).
  • to continue to apply a 50% reduction to the relevant charge for post-16 travel for a student whose family has low income and is in receipt of qualifying benefits for Free School Meals (FSM).
  • to increase the cost of a spare seat in line with the charge for post-16 travel, including the discount for families with low income.

There are no further proposed changes being made to the policy.

The proposals mean the charge for travel for the 2024/2025 school year will be:

  • £1,050 for a mainstream student (reduced to £510 for families in receipt of FSM)
  • £780 for student who has SEND (reduced to £390 for families in receipt of FSM).

For those on low income, an application can be made via the student’s post-16 provision for support through the 16-19 bursary fund.

You can give your views on the policy by:

Please respond by no later than 5pm on Wednesday 3 April 2024.