Blue Badge abuser prosecuted for misusing Blue Badge in Ipswich

Nurul Rahman, of Kelvin Road Ipswich, pleaded guilty on the 17/06/2024 at Ipswich Magistrates to wrongful display of a blue badge contrary to Section 117 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.
Published: 18 Jun 2024

Rahman was fined £153 and ordered to pay £1,000 in investigatory and legal costs, and £61 as a victim surcharge.

On the 19/10/2023 a joint blue badge enforcement day was carried out in Ipswich by Suffolk County Council’s Blue Badge Team and Counter Fraud Service; together with Ipswich Borough’s Civil Parking Enforcement Team and Corporate Fraud Team.

During the day, Officers came across Rahman who was parked at King Street, Ipswich displaying a blue badge issued by West Sussex County Council to a Hospice. During the inspection of the badge, Rahman stated to Officers that he worked for the Hospice who also operated in Ipswich and had dropped off a disabled person in town. This appeared unusual to Officers and the County Council’s Fraud Service launched an investigation.

Enquiries found that the Hospice do not operate in Suffolk, had no link to Rahman and only support children. The Hospice was also unaware their Blue Badge was being used in Suffolk.

Georgia Chimbani, Director of Adult Social Services in Suffolk said: “The County Council works closely with the Suffolk District and Borough Councils to tackle blue badge misuse and protect the rights of disabled motorists, including undertaking investigations and prosecutions where appropriate.

“This prosecution sends a clear message that the misuse of a Blue Badge will not be tolerated in Suffolk. This is not a victimless crime. Illegally using a badge that isn’t yours is denying a disabled parking space to those who have a genuine need for them.

“I would like to thank our Counter Fraud Team for their work alongside the district and borough councils in tackling Blue Badge misuse as part of our ongoing commitment to helping the people of Suffolk to live happy and independent lives.”