Residents advised - don't do business with cold callers

Suffolk Trading Standards is urging people to keep the heat on cold callers and not sign up for work on the doorstep.
Published: 18 Jun 2024

Suffolk Trading Standards is reminding people to stay alert to the risk of being ripped off by cold callers knocking on their doors.

The warning comes after recent incidents of people approaching householders on the doorstep and touting for business.


Suffolk Trusted Trader logo
Suffolk Trading Standards advises people to only use businesses registered with the Suffolk Trusted Trader scheme.

Trading Standards urged anyone thinking of having home improvement work done to use a business that has been vetted and approved under the Suffolk Trusted Trader scheme.

Residents can also protect themselves and their neighbours by nominating their area to become a No Cold Calling Zone, of which there are now more than 200 across Suffolk.

Graham Crisp, Head of Suffolk Trading Standards said:

“These doorstep traders target the vulnerable and are very persuasive, delivering poor, shoddy work then all too often just disappearing, leaving their victims out of pocket.

“We strongly advise householders and companies to use Trusted Trader, it is a scheme where consumers can be confident in the work that is being done and in the businesses carrying it out.

“No Cold Calling Zones make it clear that residents in that zone will not deal with any trader who knocks on their door out of the blue.”

In the last few weeks, Mr Crisp said Trading Standards had been made aware of:

  • Kessingland – A trader called at a property offering various home improvement services. The resident was looking to have a conservatory installed which the trader advised that they could do and could provide a quote. The trader returned later in the day and stayed for more than four hours until the resident agreed to have the work carried out and paid a 25% deposit. The consumer has since tried to contact representatives of the company and cannot get any reply.
  • Brandon – A consumer contacted a trader who had delivered leaflets in the area to look at a leak in their roof. The trader visited and advised there were two broken tiles which would cost £2,000. Work started the next day and the trader then advised that a new roof was required and quoted £29,900 to remove all roof tiles, felts, batons and repointing and rebuilding chimney, to install new tiles and batons and install a new ridge system. The resident paid £9,000 deposit by cheque. The trader then advised that new beams and insulation would also be required at a further cost of £800. The trader requested two cheques for £13,000 and £8,000 but asked for the payee details to be left blank. Thankfully, the customer’s bank became suspicious and froze the cheques.
  • Bury St Edmunds – A doorstep caller persuaded a resident to change their broadband provider after a sales pitch lasting two hours, only leaving after the resident finally caved in just to get rid of them. The resident has now been without a phone and call alarm service for five weeks.
  • Hadleigh – A doorstep caller convinced the elderly individual to have foil insulation installed, despite the property being a new-build bungalow. £7,600 was paid. The client’s son later learned of the installation and on investigating found only half the loft space had had the insulation added. He also found old insulation had not been removed and was in perfect condition.

Mr Crisp said there had also been reports of traders going door to door in Barking, near Needham Market, offering driveway work, and in Lowestoft offering window and door installations.

Suffolk Trading Standards launched its first No Cold Calling Zone in 2009 in Ipswich.

It now has 219 across the county, with 91% of the residents receiving less or no doorstep visits since the introduction of their zone and 94% of residents saying they feel safer.

Anyone wishing to nominate their road should go to the No Cold Calling page on the Suffolk County Council website.

For more details about Suffolk Trusted Trader go to

Anyone contacted by traders on the doorstep should report them to Trading Standards via 0808 223 1133.