A Devolution Deal for Suffolk

Suffolk County Council has been invited to enter into a new style of devolution deal with the Government – the County Deal.
Empowering Suffolk's Future

Suffolk County Council and the Government have signed a proposed, in principle, devolution deal which would transfer certain powers and funding from the Government to Suffolk. It would mean more decisions about Suffolk’s future being made in Suffolk, rather than nationally.

If the proposed deal is finalised, Suffolk would receive new decision-making powers and greater local control of funding in areas including adult education, regeneration and transport, as well as control of a new investment fund worth £480 million over the next thirty years.

For more information:

What happens now?

The consultation closed as planned on Sunday 26 May and we are pleased to report that we have had a very good response rate.

Given that a general election has now been called for 4 July 2024 and Suffolk County Council is entering into the pre-election period, our decision-making process has now been paused.

This will be reviewed after the general election. In the meantime, we will analyse the consultation results and have them ready to be published and reported to councillors at an appropriate time later in the year.