Modern slavery statement

Read Suffolk County Council's modern slavery statement.

Suffolk County Council has a responsibility to take a robust approach to slavery and human trafficking and in December 2018, passed a motion that it would do all it can to help stamp out modern slavery (Suffolk County Council 6 December 2018 Agenda Pack Item 7). The motion committed the Council to producing an annual Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement.

The purpose of this Statement is to report on the Council’s actions to identify, assess risk and take mitigating steps to prevent the occurrence of modern slavery, human trafficking and other human rights abuses in its supply chains and procurement activity, and key corporate policies. It is updated and published annually. The current Statement gives an overview of actions taken in 2023 to 2024 and highlights priority actions for 2024 to 2025.

The Council is involved in a wide range of activity and collaborative work to tackle modern slavery, for example, through the Suffolk Community Safety Partnerships and the Suffolk Safeguarding Partnership, which supports partner agencies in carrying out extensive anti-slavery and human trafficking work across Suffolk’s communities.

The Council has a varied supply chain, which includes individuals, small and medium enterprises, and multi-national corporations. As part of our commitment to tackling modern slavery and human trafficking, if you wish to contract with the Council or our supply chain, you must ensure that you meet the requirements of the Modern Slavery Act 2015. For further information, read our Modern Slavery procurement page.

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