Looking after our health and wellbeing

How we are supporting people in Suffolk to live as safely, independently, and healthily as possible.
Logo showing Our Ambitions for Suffolk, Looking after our health and wellbeing

Looking after the health and wellbeing of the people of Suffolk is a vital role for the county council – and is at the heart of our ambitions. Over the coming years, we will continue to work with individuals, communities, and partners and to find ways to innovate and adapt in this area.

While the health and wellbeing of the whole population is vital, we have a particular focus on helping those most in need of extra support to live as safely, independently, and healthily as possible.

We will fulfil this ambition by:

  • Working with the NHS, district and borough councils, and other partners to prioritise the physical and mental health of everyone in Suffolk.
  • Making our Public Health services more integrated and holistic, considering the needs of individuals as part of the whole, and strengthening the consideration of equalities and inequalities in our decision making.
  • Working with our partners to create communities and environments that promote and enable healthier, active lives and to tackle issues such as isolation, loneliness, and obesity.
  • Supporting the voluntary and community sector to rebuild and flourish post COVID-19.
  • Continuing to prioritise vulnerable older people and adults, as well as young people and children needing extra support.

Major programmes include:

  • People First: We will keep people at the heart of what we do, ensuring our services remain financially sustainable and provide the best outcomes. We will develop new models of care provision with care providers, and further embed person-centred, asset-based practice and planning. Using technology and innovation, we will support people to become connected and to achieve and maintain the maximum possible independence for their circumstances. The cost of Adult and Community Service provision in Suffolk will be met through mitigation of year-on-year budget increases, corresponding to £26.2M total savings between 2018 and 2024.
  • Independent Lives: We will ensure People with Learning Disabilities and/or Autism receive the right support and flexible, financially sustainable models of care that offer choice and control and accommodate their needs. We will use digital solutions to enable and maximise independence and progression, allowing individuals to live an ordinary life, including employment opportunities. There will be robust oversight, accountability, and business efficiency in all aspects of the financial management of Learning Disabilities and Autism budgets.
  • SEND: We will implement the recommendations from the independent Suffolk SEND review to improve the journey for children and young people with SEND. We will deliver 870 specialist educational places across Suffolk by 2025.