Strengthening our local economy

How we are strengthening our local economy, by working with businesses and partners, for everyone's benefit.
Logo showing Our Ambitions for Suffolk, Strengthening our local economy

Strengthening our local economy means maximising economic opportunities for the benefit of us all. A strong economy is vital to ensuring Suffolk's people and places can fulfil their potential, and economic wellbeing has a significant impact on physical and mental health and wellbeing.

Given the context of the pandemic, this relationship between the economy and wellbeing is even more important. We will work with local businesses, communities, and other partners to ensure that our economy is in a position to fulfil its potential, and that the people of Suffolk can contribute to and benefit from it.

We will fulfil this ambition by:

  • Looking to stimulate a stronger, fairer local economy, promoting procurement opportunities for Suffolk businesses as we recover from and learn to live with COVID-19.
  • Working with our partners - the Local Enterprise Partnership, Chamber of Commerce and councils - to develop jobs, skills, and infrastructure.
  • Helping young people into work and older people to switch careers or start a business.
  • Promoting economic growth that strengthens communities, reduces inequalities, and encourages residents to fulfil their potential and prevents them falling into crisis.
  • Maximising growth through our decisions and actions to support more people and businesses in Suffolk to do well. This, in turn, can support a stronger, sustainable local economy that produces good jobs, good housing and connectivity, while protecting the natural environment.

Major programmes include:

  • Lowestoft Gull Wing Bridge: This iconic and important bridge will provide a much needed third crossing over the town's Lake Lothing. It will reduce congestion, regenerate the area, attract new investment into the local economy, and improve connections between communities.
  • Strategic Rail and Route Campaigns and Business Cases: Vital to Suffolk fulfilling its economic potential in a way that all local people can benefit from, this programme will include developing a pipeline of key infrastructure projects, championing the benefits of East-West passenger and freight rail links, and a growth strategy for the wider A14 to enable community regeneration and job creation.
  • Housing Joint Venture: We will accelerate and support delivery of the council's strategic objectives through high-quality residential development that maximises social value, providing the type of homes Suffolk needs across a range of sites, while meeting our climate and sustainability commitments.