The council and its committees

Find out about the role of the cabinet, council and committees in decision making and details of meeting dates, agendas, reports and minutes.
Find out who the leader of the council is, who sits on the cabinet, when it meets and find webcasts/audio of meetings.
Information about all Suffolk County Council's formal committees, including details of their members and when they meet.
Council Meeting Dates
2024 to 2026 dates for Council and Committee meetings and details on how to apply if you want to speak at a meeting.
County Council
Information about the council, when councillors meet and how members of the public can ask a question at a council meeting.
The Constitution
The Local Government Act 2000 requires local authorities operating executive arrangements to maintain a constitution.
How the council works and makes decisions
Find out how the county council works and the different ways it make decisions affecting Suffolk.
Apply to speak at a public meeting
Apply online to speak at a public meeting at Suffolk County Council; and our protocol for filming, recording or taking photographs in meetings.
Private meetings
List of committee meetings likely to be held by Suffolk County Council in private.
Suffolk County Council and UK's departure from the European Union
Information about the EU Settlement Scheme (EUSS) and advice relating to UK's departure from the EU.