Getting active

No matter how much you do, physical activity is good for your body and mind. Find out how we're supporting Suffolk to move more.
Suffolk parkrun
Free weekly, community events where you can walk, jog, run, volunteer or spectate in parks and communities across Suffolk.
Five people running on a path around Alton Water
Feel Good Suffolk
Want to become more active? You don’t have to do it alone! The Feel Good Suffolk service can help get you moving.
Feel Good Suffolk logo
Getting more active
Whatever your age, there's strong evidence to show that being active can help you lead a healthier and happier life. For advice and tips visit Healthy Suffolk.
Two men in grey jumpers in the gym jogging on running machines
Suffolk Infolink
Find a sport or leisure activity, class or group near you.
Five children in colourful clothes on bicycles taking a cycling course
Active Suffolk
Find out more about our partnership with Active Suffolk, the Active Partnership for the county.
Two women going for a run on a street
Cycling and walking
For cycling and walking maps and resources visit Suffolk on Board.
A man and woman on a cycle ride with helmets on

Discover more by walking, cycling and riding in Suffolk

Whether you enjoy a casual stroll along the prom or a long distance ramble, a weekend family bike ride or a full-on cycling holiday, or you just fancy getting out somewhere different with your four-legged friend, the Discover Suffolk website has something for everyone.

Three people walking in a forest