Thursday 15 June 2023 is national Clean Air Day, the theme for which is ‘Clean up our air to look after your mind’ – highlighting the link between pollution and mental health. To mark the day Suffolk County Council (SCC) is inviting people from across Suffolk to take part in a ‘Mile for my mind’ walk, wheel and cycle at 12 noon – to fill the streets with people wheeling and walking!
1 mile circular routes away from busy roads can be found on the free Go Jauntily App, with route ideas and maps also available on both the Discover Suffolk and the Way to Go Suffolk websites.
The Clean Air Day mental health theme is linked to research highlighting an association between air pollution and conditions including schizophrenia, depression, anxiety, and mood disorders. It also leads to a more rapid decline in cognitive function including an increased risk of developing dementia.
One of the main culprits is particulate matter (PM) - tiny pieces of solid or liquid substances that are inhaled by people as they breathe. These small pollution particles can enter through our lungs, into our bloodstream and reach the brain. When this happens, it can cause inflammation and change the chemistry of our brain, having a negative impact on our mental health. Source: Global Action Plan
On average 7% of journeys undertaken by the car driver are 1 mile and under in length, which for many people can be walked, wheeled or cycled in under 20 minutes. If every car journey in Suffolk of less than 1 mile was undertaken by foot/wheels it would result in over 15 million fewer car journeys per year, or 40,000 car journeys per day. The benefits of walking, wheeling or scooting that 1 mile are huge: cleaner healthier air and improved fitness, mental health and wellbeing.
A mile for my mind is aiming to break the ‘driving short journeys’ habit by encouraging people to see how easy, cheap and enjoyable making the journey on foot or wheels can be, swapping short journeys by vehicle to more active modes of travel to protect both their physical and mental health from the effects of pollution.