Suffolk Design: Streets Guide

Advising house builders about the design of residential areas in Suffolk.

The streets guide is a guidance document designed to assist the delivery of well-designed places in line with the national design guide as well as the national model design code. The streets guide will be used by Suffolk County Council’s (SCC) highway engineers, drainage engineers and public rights of way officers in responding to planning applications.

The streets guide sets new approaches to designing how sites for development should be accessed by focusing on the routes people need to travel by foot, wheel or cycle instead of vehicular accesses being starting points for the design process.

Developers should use the guide, the design management process and design checklist throughout the design and construction processes. We recommend obtaining advice from the local planning authority and the highways development management team at the earliest opportunity.

Interim Advice Note

The Interim Advice Note (IAN) takes immediate effect for the Suffolk design: streets guide 2022 on all future schemes for the design and construction of developments.

The details below are updates to edit minor errors and reflect SCC new policies and best practices. This IAN is also to be read in conjunction with the new SCC design manual and SCC construction specification found on the Development Design and Specification page.