How the council monitors mineral and waste developments

How Suffolk County Council monitors and enforces minerals and waste developments, how breaches are dealt with, and what enforcement action to take.

The Local Monitoring & Enforcement Plan (LMEP) (PDF, 389KB) explains how we:

  • deal with breaches (and alleged breaches) of planning control; for example, where development is taking place without the benefit of planning permission or where it is being carried out contrary to a condition of planning permission
  • decide whether enforcement action is necessary and the appropriate form of enforcement to take
  • liaise with both those carrying out unauthorised development and those affected by such breaches
  • monitor development for which the county council is the planning authority, namely mineral and waste developments and the county council’s own development

For a current list of enforcement notices that have been issued by the county, email the planning team at

How to report a breach in a planning permission

  • Please complete our online form to report a breach in planning permission (Please click on the 'Accept' button at the bottom of the disclaimer page to load the form).
  • in urgent cases telephone 01473 265066.

Include this information when reporting a breach:

  • Full address and location of the site where the development or breach is taking place.
  • Nature of the alleged breach and the planning harm caused.
  • If relevant, give specific examples with dates and times to substantiate your complaint. An Evidence Form can be downloaded below.
  • Name (if known) and status of the person (s) involved. For example: owner/tenant/occupier/contractor/worker.
  • Date when activities first began.
  • If the breach relates to a change of use, state the previous use of the site.
  • Your full name, postal address and contact details, including telephone number.

Download an Evidence Form