Construction Surface Water Management Plan

Why you need a Construction Surface Water Management Plan for planning applications and how to meet the requirements set by the Local Lead Flood Authority.

A Construction Surface Water Management Plan (CSWMP) is required by the Lead Local Flood Authority (the statutory consultee on large planning applications), in order to discharge a planning condition.

The local planning authority needs to approve your CSWMP in writing on how surface water and storm water will be managed during construction (including demolition and site clearance).

Download the Construction Surface Water Management Plan below. You will need to complete this and send to the local planning authority.

It needs to follow the guidance below to ensure construction does not increase flood risk, or pollution of watercourses in line with the River Basin Management Plan:

  • Method statements
  • Scaled and dimensioned plans and drawings detailing surface water management proposals including:
    • Temporary drainage systems
    • Measures for managing pollution / water quality and protecting controlled waters and watercourses
    • Measures for managing any on or offsite flood risk associated with construction

Why is a CSWMP needed?

There's a statutory duty to ensure that surface water quality and quantity is managed throughout construction and prevent the impact of work off site.

The CSWMP needs to include:

  • construction surface water drainage system design
  • construction management, maintenance and remediation schedules
  • required consents, e.g. Land Drainage Act, Environmental Permit
  • flood risk controls
  • pollution, water quality and emergency control measures
  • phasing plan (if required)
  • construction site plan that includes compounds, material storage areas and temporary site parking

Contact details

Email if you have any questions.