Flooding and drainage

Read about flood guidance, management, drainage, maintenance and how to report a flood in Suffolk.
Flood management in Suffolk
How flooding is managed in Suffolk, with a broad overview of which responsibilities individuals and organisations have in terms of flooding and drainage.
Guidance on development and flood risk
Here developers and local planning authorities can find guidance to assist in creating suitable drainage systems.
Highway drainage
Details of how we maintain drainage systems to reduce the risk of standing water on roads, pavements and cycleways.
Maintenance of ditches and other watercourses
Find details about who's responsible for maintenance of watercourses in Suffolk.
Working on a watercourse
Information on how to apply for a Land Drainage Consent when you need to work on rivers, ditches, or streams.
Report a flood in Suffolk
How to report flooding on a road, pavement or property. Who to contact about a blocked drain or flooding on the A11, A12 and A14 roads in Suffolk.
Flood risk asset register
Information on the responsibility of the council as a Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA) to create a flooding asset register.
Flood resilience
Measures to support residents and communities to be flood resilient.
Storm Babet
Latest information for those impacted by Storm Babet, covering planned flood investigations and grants
Flood risk projects
A range of flood intervention projects designed to reduce flood risk and increase individual and local resilience.