Flood resilience

Measures to support residents and communities to be flood resilient.

Suffolk is at risk of flooding from a range of sources, including rivers, sea, surface water and groundwater. It is important that residents, businesses and communities are aware of the risk and are prepared should a flood occur.

Suffolk County Council works to increase flood resilience in communities at risk of flooding. We work to empower and support communities so that they can act individually, jointly or in partnerships to protect themselves from flooding and its impacts. This is done through a number of ways, through sharing advice and guidance, supporting with access to grants and implementing projects designed to reduce flood risk.

Flood smart living

Flood smart living is a guide to support local communities at risk of flooding. It provides a range of measures that could be implemented, targeted at your catchment, your community and your home, providing useful advice and guidance to enable you to take the next step in becoming resilient to flooding.

Flood risk projects

Flood risk projects are a range of flood intervention projects delivered by us alongside partner organisations. They are designed to reduce flood risk and increase individual and local resilience. You can read more about the types of projects delivered in Suffolk on our webpage. 

Flood threat

If you are in a situation where your property is flooded or under threat of flood, see our what to do in a flood page for more information and support.