What to do in a flood

Measures and actions to take if your property is flooded or at risk of flood.

Only dial 999 for the Fire and Rescue Service if there's an immediate risk to life.

In situations where a property is flooded or under threat of flood:

  • isolate all electrics (if it is safe to do so)
  • contact any elderly or vulnerable neighbours or relatives and ensure they are safe and know what to do if their properties become flooded
  • consider moving possessions upstairs if possible
  • avoid contact with flood water as much as possible to reduce risk of drowning and infection 
  • secure your property and make your way to a place of safety
  • don’t drive through flood water, and try to avoid unnecessary long journeys as local roads may also be flooded
  • listen to local radio stations for further information and guidance, or contact the National Flooding Forum for specialist advice