Flood risk projects

A range of flood intervention projects designed to reduce flood risk and increase individual and local resilience.

What we do 

Working together with partner authorities and others, Suffolk as Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA) for surface water flooding, deliver a range of projects to reduce the risk and effects of local flooding to people, business, and key infrastructure.

From information and data collected from flood events, together with investigations and modelling, we have developed a programme of local flood risk interventions, seeking funding from partners to deliver these. Key partners are Environment Agency, Highway Authority and water and sewerage utilities.

Types of projects

Flood intervention projects that have been delivered in Suffolk include Natural Flood Management, Property Flood Resilience and the retrofitting of Sustainable Drainage Systems, all of which are designed to reduce flood risk and increase individual and local resilience.


Suffolk County Council (SCC) must prioritise resources and collaborate with partners, communities, and landowners to deliver flood risk reduction projects. We seek to prioritise projects that can deliver the greatest reduction in flood risk and include additional benefits such as improving water quality and enhancing biodiversity. 

Where SCC cannot implement a project, we support residents and communities by providing advice and guidance.


The principle source of funding for flood risk management projects is Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management Grant in Aid (FCERM GiA), which is administered locally by Regional Flood and Coastal Committees (RFCC). This is a central government fund focused on achieving the greatest number of homes better protected. Partnership funding is also required and can be contributed from local government and private companies or landowners.


Flood modelling creates digital simulations that assist us to identify areas at risk of flooding and to help understand potential opportunities to reduce existing flood risk. This is required at the start of a project to analyse the benefits of all potential options and ensure a cost-effective project can be delivered. Surface Water Management Plans (SWMPS) and local flood risk assessments are examples of types of modelling SCC complete.

This type of modelling is more detailed than the national flood risk maps. If your property is located within an area that has a SWMP, you can contact us to obtain more information.

You can also check if your property is at risk of flooding using the Environment Agency national mapping.