Parking problems

Information on illegal parking, obstruction offences and how to request new parking restrictions

It is not possible to stop legally parked cars parking outside houses on a residential street, even if it is considered by some residents as inconvenient. We also cannot stop the increased demand for parking caused by local schools, businesses, churches or other facilities.

If there is a problem with illegal parking or vehicle obstruction, contact one of the organisations, details as below:

East Suffolk, Ipswich Borough and West Suffolk Councils are responsible for enforcement in their own areas. Enforcement in Babergh and Mid Suffolk are managed by Ipswich Borough and West Suffolk Council. The enforcement areas can be seen on Suffolk County Council's parking enforcement map.

More information can be found on the below links:

Parking which significantly obstructs the pavement can be dealt with by civil enforcement officers or the police, depending on the circumstances.

Further information on parking on pavements and verges.