Traffic regulation orders (TROs)

Learn about temporary and permanent traffic regulation orders in relation to public rights of way in Suffolk.

Public rights of way must remain open and free from obstruction at all times and may not be closed or access restricted without authorisation from us. Traffic Regulation Orders (TROs) can be made under the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 and can be temporary or permanent.

Authorisation for a temporary TRO may or may not be granted depending on all the circumstances, therefore it is important that you apply as far as possible in advance of when you think you will need it. Applications must be made a minimum of 8 weeks ahead of your planned start date.

Temporary TROs

Temporary TROs usually involve the temporary closure of a public right of way. We may authorise the closure of a public right of way if we are satisfied that:

  • works are proposed to be carried out on or near the public right of way
  • there is a potential danger to the public or of serious damage to the public right of way
  • closure is necessary to allow for litter clearing or cleaning
  • closure of the public right of way is unavoidable

Suffolk County Council can authorise the closure of a public right of way (or part of a public right of way) for up to 6 months using a legal order. If longer than 6 months is needed, an application must be made to the County Council explaining the reason for this additional closure period: we will then apply to the Secretary of State for the Environment for approval. This application must be made 6 weeks before the original closure expires and there will be an additional fee.

If a path is to be closed temporarily, notices will be posted at the entry points and where possible an alternative route will be described.

View a list of the temporary TROs currently in force in Suffolk.

Emergency closures

In an emergency situation a public right of way can be closed using an Emergency Closure Notice. This allows a path to be closed for:

  • up to 5 days for works being carried out on or near the public right of way and/or litter clearing and cleaning
  • up to 21 days because there is a potential danger to the public or serious damage to the public right of way

An emergency notice should only be used for unforeseen circumstances, for example emergency safety works due to a collapsed bridge. It must not be used to close paths where works have been planned in advance.


Our fees for processing temporary closure applications are as follows:

  • Closure of up to 6 months: £970 (£1200 from 1 April 2024)
  • Application to the Secretary of State for an extended closure: £600 (£850 from 1 April 2024)
  • Emergency closure: £600 (£850 from 1 April 2024)

For orders relating to multiple paths the fees may be higher than those set out above.

Apply for a temporary closure

Please complete the form in as much detail as possible and return it to the appropriate Area Rights of Way Office.

Contact details for Rights of Way
Rights of Way team Email Telephone Address
East Area 0345 606 6171
Suffolk Highways
Suffolk County Council
Blyth Road Industrial Estate
IP19 5EN
West Area 0345 606 6171
Suffolk Highways
Suffolk County Council
Rougham Industrial Estate
IP30 9ND

Please note you do not need to send payment in advance as an invoice will be sent to you.

Permanent TROs

Permanent TROs are used to prohibit use by certain categories of user where a route is not suitable for use by all traffic. For example, to prohibit motor vehicles on a byway open to all traffic where they would otherwise have legally been allowed, but in reality the route on the ground may not be suitable for that kind of use.

Public rights of way affected by a permanent TRO are clearly indicated by signs at the entry points to the route.

View a list of the permanent TROs in force in Suffolk, and links to the associated maps.