Surface dressing

Find out about the process of surface dressing, when it is carried out and how works can affect you including programmes

Surface dressing is a process that is used to improve the surface of roads and slows down the deterioration of the road surface. The rapid speed of the process means that disruption to road users, local businesses and emergency services is minimised. 

We treat roads between April and September because the process needs warm, dry weather to allow the dressing to become established.

This type of work cannot be undertaken in wet or damp conditions. If the weather results in us not being able to carry out these works as planned, we will reschedule at the earliest opportunity. This is likely to be the next dry day, however we will update signs on-site if work is delayed beyond this.

To search for a particular area of interest, open the PDF programme and press Ctrl + F

Please note that the programme is subject to change due to a range of factors, including bad weather. Full details on each work location listed in the programme above can be found online via

How surface dressing may affect you

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