Roads, pavements and verges

Details of road, pavement and verge maintenance and defects, including potholes, roadworks, drainage, resurfacing, vegetation, salting, gritting and snow.
Trees, grass and weeds
How we maintain trees, grass and weeds on roads, pavements and verges and the treatment programmes carried out by Suffolk Highways.
Resurfacing roads and pavements
We maintain most roads and pavements in Suffolk. We make sure they are surfaced correctly to keep them smooth, waterproof and skid resistant.
Bridges and highway structures
Information about how we assess, maintain, and strengthen bridges in Suffolk, as well as how to report a problem with a bridge.
Traffic sign maintenance
Information about how we maintain road signs, including how to report a problem with a traffic sign.
Obstructions on roads and footways
Information about obstructions on roads and footways, including how they can restrict access and are a potential safety hazard.
Information about potholes, including how we inspect, monitor and repair them in Suffolk.
Road markings and road studs
Learn about road markings and road studs, which are used to define roads, bus and cycle lanes and traffic calming schemes.
Safety fences and barriers
Safety fences and barriers separate roads and routes from hazards.
Report a highways issue
You can report a highways issue in Suffolk quickly and easily online.