Eye Experimental Traffic Regulation Order (ETRO) consultation

Information about the experimental traffic regulation order consultation.

Public feedback

Since May 2023, when the experimental weight restriction was implemented, public feedback as part of the public consultation was received from all affected communities and considered alongside 371 online questionnaire responses.

While the weight limit had a level of support in Eye, it was not universal, with 39% of respondents saying it had been positive and 18% saying it had been negative. Others were unsure or didn’t comment.

Feedback received outside the weight limit area was overwhelmingly negative, with 73% saying it had made the situation in their community worse. The main areas of concern raised were road safety, the impact on pedestrians and the narrowness of the alternative routes taken by the displaced heavy goods vehicles (HGV)s.

The consultation also highlighted increased incidences of HGVs using public walkways in other parishes, as well as references to pinch points where HGVs found it difficult to pass each other.

Next steps

The decision on the next steps for the scheme can be found within the decision report. Whilst the experimental weight restriction is still currently in place, details on the removal of signage and revoking of the ETRO will be shared when a timeframe is confirmed.

The latest information related to the ETRO in Eye, can be found on the news article  Experimental restriction on HGVs in Eye to be lifted.