Flood Recovery information for Suffolk

Information for people and businesses in Suffolk recovering from flooding.

There's support available for people and businesses in Suffolk that have been impacted by flooding.

Whilst much of the work of recovery will be handled locally by your district and borough council, there are some general sources of help and support which are available to all regardless of where you live in Suffolk.

Government Support

The UK Government has announced financial support for those in flood-hit areas.

Following this announcement, households and businesses that suffered internal flooding between 19 - 25 October 2023 due to Storm Babet, may be eligible for:

  • A grant (£500 for homes and £2,500 per business) to assist with initial recovery costs.
  • Households and businesses that suffered internal flooding between 19 -25 October due to Storm Babet may be eligible for 100% discount to council tax / business rates for a minimum of 3 months.
  • Flooded property owners will also be able to apply for up to £5,000 from the Government to help make their homes and businesses more resilient to future flooding. More information about this can be found, here.

Suffolk County Council is working in partnership with Babergh and Mid-Suffolk, East Suffolk, Ipswich and West Suffolk councils to ensure these discounts and payments start during November.

If you have experienced flooding to your property as a result of Storm Babet, you need to:

  1. Visit: https://highwaysreporting.suffolk.gov.uk
  2. Click on: ‘Report It’
  3. Then click: ‘Drainage and Flooding’
  4. Then click: ‘Flooding inside residential / non-residential property’
  5. Please include as much information as you have, there is also an option to upload photos.
  6. Once your report has been submitted, Suffolk County Council officers will contact you to gather further information and prioritise those locations that meet the criteria for an official investigation.
  7. Someone from the district or borough council will then contact you to arrange payment, if eligible.

For those who aren’t able to submit their report online, please call 0345 606 6171.

District and Borough Council flood recovery information

Visit your district or borough council website for information on rubbish collection, housing, homelessness, abandoned vehicles and environmental health issues like rodents and pests.

Flood recovery information for everyone in Suffolk

The Suffolk Flood Risk Management Partnership has created a flood guide about what to do before, during and after flooding. (PDF, 511KB)

Flood insurance and advice

How to clean up safely and dispose of flood damaged items responsibly

Returning to your property after a flood or responding to flash flooding is challenging.

Here is more information from the Government on how to begin the clean-up of your home or business safely:

Advice for cleaning up after floods

  • Wear rubber boots, waterproof gloves, and an apron
  • Wear a standard face mask and goggles (such as those sold by DIY stores) to protect yourself from water splashes caused by scrubbing, hosing, or pressure-washing.
  • Wash your hands thoroughly after each clean-up session.
  • Keep open cuts or sores clean and use waterproof plasters to prevent them being exposed to floodwater.

Read more in the Suffolk Flood Risk Management Partnership guide.

Where can I dispose of flood damaged items?

Make sure you've spoken to your insurers before removing or disposing of anything. Insurance Loss Adjusters may want to visit your home to inspect damage to the structure and items. Always check with your insurer first.

Suffolk Household Waste Recycling Centres

Visit our waste and recycling pages to find out:

  • what can go in your household bins
  • what can be taken to local Recycling Centres
  • what to do with trade waste, soil, rubble, plasterboard and hazardous waste.

Blocked Drains

Find out how to report blocked drains.

Do not report a blocked drain online if:

  • it poses an immediate danger to public safety - call 0345 606 6171
  • it’s on a trunk road in Suffolk - call the Highways England Information Line on 0300 123 5000
  • it's on a private road, private land or a car park - this is the responsibility of the land owner or Anglian Water
  • the drain is blocked by leaves and litter - contact the borough or district council to clear this

Skip permits

If you want to hire a skip, only the company you hire from can apply for the skip licence. Applications require 3 working days’ notice to be processed.

Find out how to apply for a skip licence.

Repairs post flood – how to find trusted traders

Always use reputable building contractors. Beware of bogus trade people calling door-to-door. Always check references and do not pay in advance.

Flood repairs can take weeks or months to complete, especially if there has been widespread flooding and builders are scarce. It takes time to dry out a property and some buildings may have to be gutted before repairs can start. If this is the case, ask your insurance company or landlord if they will provide you with temporary accommodation.

Find a Trusted Trader

All the businesses listed in the Suffolk Trusted Trader directory have been checked by Trading Standards.

Public health advice

We work with health partners across Suffolk to lead on areas of public health.

Read the questions and answers published by the Government relating to the public health risks of flooding.

Find GP services

Use the NHS Find GP Services tool.

Find a pharmacy

Use the NHS Find a Pharmacy tool.

Mental health support

Find support and advice about mental health and wellbeing, including local organisations, support groups and information.

You can also contact Samaritans.

Travel advice

  • After flooding routes and roads across Suffolk may continue to be impacted due to debris or remaining standing water.
  • Check your journey on one.network before setting off and be prepared to face delays when travelling near flood affected areas.
  • Always drive with care and in accordance with the conditions.
  • Never attempt to drive through flooded roads, it doesn’t take much water to render your car immobile.

Check your journey online via One.Network

School closures

Decisions about whether schools close are made by the schools themselves. Please check with your school directly, they should be able to give you more information.

You can also check school closures on suffolk.gov.uk.

Other useful numbers

Power cut - call 105 or go to www.ukpowernetworks.co.uk/power-cut

Damaged power lines – please stay away and call 105. If there is an immediate risk to safety, please also call 999.

Fallen or overhanging trees – if there is an immediate danger, please call Suffolk Highways on 0345 606 6171. If not, you can report fallen trees or debris on the road at https://highwaysreporting.suffolk.gov.uk

For updates on the Orwell Bridge, please go to www.trafficengland.com or www.twitter.com/highwayseast

If your water supply has been affected, please call Essex & Suffolk Water on 0345 782 0999.

If your property has been affected by sewage flooding or there is a sewerage issue, please report to Anglian Water or call their 24-hour emergency number: 03457 145 145

Floodline Telephone: 0345 988 1188.