Smoothwall web filtering services

The Schools' Internet Service includes a managed firewall and Smoothwall web filtering service.

The Smoothwall filtering service is designed to facilitate the effective provisioning of safeguarding in a school environment and meets legal mandates set out under the Prevent Duty and Keeping Children Safe Online.

While centrally managed and updated, the service also enables schools to block sites that they deem inappropriate using age and user groups. Schools can then generate activity reports from their Smoothwall portal. The solution defines and applies filtering policies to the following user groups:

  • Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 students
  • Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 students
  • Key Stage 5 and Post 16 students
  • Teaching staff
  • Office administration staff

Depending on the school’s IT environment it is possible to deploy these new settings using Active Directory Group Policies.

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