Modern Slavery

If you wish to contract with the Council or our supply chain then you must ensure that you meet the requirements in the Modern Slavery Act 2015.

How to report Modern Slavery

The Unseen App shows how to recognise the signs of modern slavery and report it.

Suffolk Council supports national objectives to eradicate modern slavery and human trafficking and recognises the significant role the Council has to play in both combating it and supporting victims. Our annual Modern Slavery Statement outlines the actions we are taking to eradicate Modern Slavery in Suffolk and in our supply chains.

The Council’s supply chain is varied and includes individuals, SMEs and multi-national corporations. We recognise that modern slavery and human trafficking can occur anywhere in the supply chain both in the UK and internationally, and regardless of the supplier size or nature of the products or services being purchased.

If you wish to contract with the Council or our supply chain then you must ensure that you meet the requirements in the Modern Slavery Act 2015.

  • Organisations with a turnover of £36 million or more must prepare and publish a ‘Slavery & Human Trafficking’ statement each financial year. The statement should outline the steps the organisation has taken during that financial year to ensure that slavery & human trafficking is not taking place in any part of the organisation or its supply chains.
  • All organisations will need to evidence to us that they operate ethically and are working proactively to address Modern Slavery Issues.

Further guidance

Guidance on meeting the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and completing an annual statement

Free resources are available from Stronger Together. Stronger Together is a multi-stakeholder business-led initiative aiming to reduce modern slavery particularly forced labour, labour trafficking and other hidden third party exploitation of workers.