Meals and shopping

Prepared meals, lunch clubs and shopping options that can help you to live independently in your own home.
Two older women enjoying a meal at home

Prepared meals

You can choose from a range of providers who can deliver prepared meals to your home.

Older man receiving a prepared meal at home

They can supply meals daily that are either:

  • hot
  • frozen
  • chilled for re-heating

You can find a list of ready-prepared meals providers in your area.

Search the directory on our Suffolk InfoLink website to find meals providers. 

Find meals providers

If you're interested in becoming a provider of community meals services, please phone 01473 264313.

Lunch clubs

Older women enjoying a social game

There are many lunch clubs in Suffolk where you can:

  • have a meal
  • socialise with friends
  • enjoy activities such as talks, games and quizzes 

Search for a lunch club near you on our Suffolk InfoLink website. 

You can read about help getting out and about if you have mobility problems or need transport to a lunch club or the shops. 

Shopping for food

Women delivering shopping to an older lady

Most of the major supermarkets offer online shopping, and there are many websites to choose from.

In your local area, dairies also deliver many other items besides milk.

Some grocers, butchers and cafes may also offer home delivery services within the local area.