Getting out and about

Find out about public and community transport options to help you stay connected, social and independent.
Older men using a bus

Many people can remain independent by walking, cycling and using transport options in their area. Find out what options are available near you. 

You can read about staying independent with sensory or physical disabilities to find information focused on mobility and accessibility, including accessible toilets. 

Public transport

Suffolk on Board has information on public transport options in Suffolk. This includes:

If you use a wheelchair, you can see our booklet, getting to where you want to be: buses (PDF, 317KB), for advice about bus travel.

Concessionary travel

Concessionary travel means that you may be able to get discounted fares on buses, trains or coaches.


If you live in England, and are disabled or receiving a state pension, you are entitled to a bus pass giving free off-peak travel on local buses anywhere in England.

Suffolk on Board has concessionary travel information on how to apply for:

  • an age related free travel bus pass
  • a disabled persons free travel bus pass
  • the travel voucher scheme

Extra help to travel cards

First Group have designed cards to use on journeys. You can use the cards to ask the driver discreetly for extra help rather than out loud. Read about the extra help to travel cards on the First Group website.


You may be able to save money on train fares with a railcard:


There is no national concessionary scheme, but National Express offers a: 

Community transport

Community transport is tailored to help people whose needs might not be met by standard public transport.

You can contact these services directly to arrange transport. Here are some options you could try:

If you need help getting to hospital appointments: