Professionally trained Reablement Support Workers, who have Disclosure and Baring Service (DBS) clearance, provide the service in a manner that meets the needs of the customers as initially defined in their individual Care Plan.
Ongoing training of staff is regularly reviewed through staff supervision, observations and Performance Development Reviews.
Staff working within the prison environment will be subject of clearance by The Home Office and controlled whilst working within these establishments by the Prison Governor/ Custody Manager or their representative.
Reablement Support Workers
Must undertake an induction, care certificate, and a range of training courses including mandatory core training before completing their Qualifications and Credit Framework (NVQll) (QCF) Diploma in Health and Social Care Level 2.
Team Leaders
All hold QCF or NVQ III or equivalent qualification and are Risk Assessor trained.
Home First Managers
All have a minimum of NVQ IV or equivalent qualification (or are working towards it).
Useful information
Suffolk InfoLink is Suffolk County Council’s website of community organisations, health and care information, housing, money, transport and learning advice.
Customer First is for all social care advice and referrals. It’s normally quicker to contact them via webchat on the Customer First page. They can also be contacted on: 0808 800 4005 or by email:
The Care Quality Commission monitor, inspect, and regulate health and social care services. We are regularly inspected by them; all the results are published online. They can also be contacted on: 0300 061 6161.
The Care Coordination Centre is a contact centre that provides 24/7 support for patients and referrers across Suffolk. The team offer short-term rehabilitation as well as equipment and care which could help going to hospital. They can also can be contacted on: 0300 123 2425.