Home care and housing providers updates

Developments and updates for home care and housing providers.

This section is for any provider needing information on the latest news about Home Care and Housing in Suffolk. Email us if there's any more information you would like added.

Over 500 people have shared their experiences of home care services with Healthwatch Suffolk after one of the largest research projects of its kind across the Healthwatch network. Healthwatch Suffolk worked in collaboration with Suffolk County Council to contact users of its home care services.

People responded to an initial survey, which asked them to rate their care and leave feedback. In addition, 50 interviews were conducted with more than 70 service users, their families and carers.

Several themes were identified and structured under areas known to be essential requirements of effective home care as identified in national reports and guidance, produced by Healthwatch England and the National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE).

The evidence from both the surveys and the interviews show that service users are extremely positive about their carers. Satisfaction ratings in the surveys are very high, with most respondents reporting a ‘good’ or ‘excellent’ rating. The report also identifies areas that could be improved to enhance the quality of local care.

Find more about the report and download copies from Healthwatch Suffolk.