Developmental reviews

Details of the health and development reviews of your baby delivered by the Community Health team.

Developmental Reviews

The NHS explains what to expect at health and development reviews.

Ages and Stages

Ages and Stages Questionnaires (ASQs) are a licensed product used by our staff across the Health and Children's Centres. They help us understand how your child is developing and are just one of the tools we may use during our contact with you.

All children develop differently. The ASQ is something that we will use together to talk about the things your child is able to do, to think about any concerns you might have and how we can support you and your child with those.

They are split into 5 different areas:

  • Communication: your child’s language skills, both what your child understands and what he or she can say - this can be sounds, babbling or talking.
  • Gross Motor: how your child uses their arms and legs for sitting, crawling, walking, running, and other activities.
  • Fine Motor: how your child uses their hands and fingers - for example scribbling or picking up food.
  • Problem Solving: how your child plays with toys and solves problems.
  • Personal-Social: your child’s self-help skills and how they play and interact with others.

The ASQ we use is based on the age of your child by month. However we may decide together that this is not right for your child and decide to use a different age or an alternative assessment tool. This is nothing to worry about, we are just making sure we use the right tool for your child.

You should receive a copy of the ASQ for your child along with your initiation letter. Where possible, please complete the ASQ and bring along to your appointment.

If you need a copy of the ASQ please email

If you do not have access to email, please phone the Health Business Centre on 0345 607 8866, selecting the option for Health Visiting and then Administration. You can then leave a message.

You can visit the ASQ webpage to download fun and easy activities to help support your child's development.