Baby friendly venues in Suffolk

A comfortable and welcome space when families need to feed their infants when they are out and about.

The right to breastfeed in public is protected by law. Most families have positive experiences whilst feeding out and about. Some families may feel vulnerable initially whilst feeding in public, we have been working with local businesses and organisations who wish to be recognised as Breastfeeding friendly and provide a comfortable and welcoming place to feed.

To find out more about feeding out and about we hope the links below are useful to you,

Breastfeeding while out and about - Maternity Action

Continuing to breastfeed when you return to work - Maternity Action

Breastfeeding in public - NHS (

In addition to Family Hubs, all the venues listed below are committed to providing a comfortable and warm welcome for families wishing to feed their infants out and about. Please select your chosen area and have a look at the venues and organisations wanting to be recognised as infant feeding friendly.