Sleep, including safer sleep advice

Advice and support for parents and carers around your baby's night time routine.

One of the biggest challenges for new parents is getting used to the changes that a baby will bring to their night-time routine.

UNICEF's caring for your baby at night and the Lullaby Trust safer sleep for babies leaflets are designed to provide you with helpful and practical advice on reducing the chances of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) and coping at night. Here you will also find the latest guidance on smoking, bed sharing, night feeding, safe sleeping environments and helping baby to settle.

If you are struggling with sleep issues for your baby or child, please feel free to contact your Health and Children’s Centre team.

Monitor Wires

When your baby is small you may have baby monitors, Groeggs or other electronic devices to help keep them safe. As your baby gets more active, their needs change.

When they reach this stage, it is important to think about moving the cot away from electrical wires and leads to prevent accidents. Remember - what kept your tiny baby safe can be dangerous for toddlers.

Useful websites for information about sleep:

Additional safer sleep videos

The following videos provide further advice around safer sleep for children:


Drugs and Alcohol

Sleep Position


Staying Awake

Room Temperature

Safer sleep for babies