You and your baby: 0 - 12 months

Support and information available for parents and carers of babies in the first year.

Solihull Understanding your Baby course

Understanding your baby is for everyone around a new baby: supporting you and the new arrival from birth to 12 months.

This free course gives you information about your baby's brain development and physical and emotional development. It shows how important your relationship with the baby is for the baby's development.

It integrates the traditional information given on a postnatal course with a new approach to developing your relationship with your baby. It looks at your baby’s sleeping, feeding, crying, playing and childcare options.

If you have already done the Solihull Approach antenatal course 'Understanding pregnancy', you may recognise some of the units about feelings and support. You may want to think about this again, now you have your baby. If you are a Dad you may recognise parts of the module for fathers, but you may want to look at the units again.

The course was developed by Health Visitors working with health professionals including Clinical Psychologists in the Solihull Approach team.

Set up an account and you can then enter the access code: WOLSEY. Your account will remember your access to that course and resumes where you left off.

Health and Wellbeing - The First Few Years

This booklet created by Public Health Suffolk includes contributions from Midwifery, Health Visiting, Hospital & Community Paediatricians and nurses. It provides advice and guidance for parents of young children:

Health and wellbeing - the first few years

Health for Under 5's

Health for Under 5's provides useful information provided by health professionals that will help you to ensure your baby's health and wellbeing.

Mum & Baby App

Your personal NHS guide for pregnancy, birth and beyond.

Download on the App Store or get it on Google Play.

Best beginnings

Resources that give parents the knowledge and confidence they need to look after their own mental and physical health and to maximise their child's development. Baby Buddy is a free app that guides you through pregnancy, birth, parenting and beyond.

Understanding you

Unfamiliar feelings of anxiety and depression can often develop suddenly and range from mild to extremely severe, requiring different kinds of support or treatment. It is normal for new parents to experience broken sleep, relationship changes and impaired physical health as a result of pregnancy and giving birth. Often new parents dismiss their symptoms as a result of these changes.

Understanding baby

The Institute of Health Visiting has helpful factsheets to find expert advice on key areas of looking after your new baby, from when they are born to when they go to school.

Infant Feeding

For information, advice and guidance on all aspects of feeding go to the Infant Feeding page.

Introducing Solids

For information, advice and guidance on introducing solids (also known as weaning), go to the Introducing Solids page. 

Tommy's Pregnancy and post-birth digital wellbeing tool

To help look after yourself and be prepared for after the birth, Tommy's website enables you to create a Pregnancy and Post-birth Wellbeing Plan.

Public Health: Birth to five Book

Public Health: Birth to five provides information on caring for children up to 5 years old and contact details for useful organisations - it is available in downloadable chapters.

NHS: Start4Life

Whatever you want to know about parenthood, from breastfeeding to when your baby will have their first vaccinations, you should find it at NHS Start4Life. They have essential guides and lots of free tools for having a healthy, happy baby.

UNICEF: Building a happy baby

UNICEF: Building a happy baby has advice and information for parents on getting to know their baby and setting up the foundations for a close and loving relationship.

Safer sleep

The Lullaby Trust: Safer sleep advice gives simple steps for how your baby should sleep to reduce the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), which is more commonly known as cot death. The advice can give you the peace of mind to enjoy this special time.

UNICEF's caring for your baby at night and the Lullaby Trust safer sleep for babies leaflets are designed to provide you with helpful and practical advice on reducing the chances of SIDS and coping at night. You will also find the latest guidance on smoking, bed sharing, night feeding, safe sleeping environments and helping baby to settle.

NHS: your new baby

NHS Early Days - your baby after the birth has advice on all the essentials of baby care, including breastfeeding, infant feeding, changing nappies, and washing your baby.

Healthy Suffolk: children and young people

Healthy Suffolk shares information and advice services that are available in Suffolk.

Umbilical granuloma

An umbilical granuloma is an overgrowth of tissue during the healing process of the belly button. It usually looks like a soft pink or red lump and often is wet or leaks small amounts of clear or yellow fluid. It is most common in the first few weeks of a baby's life.

Institute of Health Visiting: understanding umbilical granuloma has further information and guidance. 

Newborn Jaundice

For information and overview of newborn Jaundice visit NHS.

Think 3 at 3 months

Tracking your baby’s movements, also known as motor developmental milestones, in the first few months of life is particularly important.

To find out what movements you can expect your baby to make by 3 months and where to go if you are worried visit Think 3 at 3 months.

Workshop: Wellbeing - living well with baby

The living well with baby workshop looks at all the changes which can impact your wellbeing. It explores how these changes can leave people stuck in a negative cycle. It also offers strategies on how to break this cycle in order to manage low mood and worry.

Newborn Screening - Information Leaflets

Newborn Screening: Information Leaflets from Public Health England explain NHS newborn screening programme tests, possible results and follow up tests.