You and your pregnancy

Useful information and support available for expectant parents.

Trying for a baby

For guidance and advice about trying for a baby, including information about pregnancy, labour and birth as well as healthy lifestyles, go to the NHS advice about pregnancy webpage. 

Keeping well in Pregnancy

NHS Keeping well in Pregnancy has information on looking after yourself and keeping your baby well in pregnancy.

Solihull Understanding Pregnancy, Labour, Birth and your Baby

This free course is for parents, grandparents and carers - for everyone in the new arrival's life who wants to access an antenatal course and build a strong, healthy relationship with the baby.

It integrates the traditional information given on an antenatal course with a new approach to starting your relationship with your baby before your baby even makes an appearance.

It explains how and why you are so important to this baby, whether you are the mother, father, partner, grandparent or birth partner.

The course is developed by Registered Midwives working with Clinical Psychologists and Health Visitors in the Solihull Approach team. It has the same content as the Solihull Approach face to face antenatal course.

Set up an account and then you can enter the access code: WOLSEY. Your account will remember your access and resumes where you left off.

Mum and baby app

Your personal NHS guide for pregnancy, birth and beyond.

Download on the App Store or Get it on Google Play.

Suffolk Wellbeing

Suffolk Wellbeing offers 3 free online courses for parents and mums-to-be that can help build a secure foundation for you and your developing child. It supports you on how to build a strong relationship/attachment with tried and tested strategies based on the cognitive behavioural therapy model.

You can find more information and access the free online courses on Living Life to The Full or you can download the Are you... Living Life to the Full? flyer (PDF, 1.5MB).

Tommy's pregnancy and post-birth digital wellbeing tool

To help look after yourself and be prepared for after the birth, Tommy's website enables you to create a Pregnancy and Post-birth Wellbeing Plan.

Virtual antenatal breastfeeding workshops

We are holding a series of informal virtual antenatal breastfeeding workshops for parents to access support and share information about breastfeeding.

Maternity services and resources in Suffolk

Antenatal Education Hub for Suffolk and North East Essex - this is where you will find all your information for pregnancy, birth and post natal wellbeing.

Norfolk and Waveney Maternity Resources - a multilingual site for maternity resources for residents in Lowestoft and Waveney.

Pregnancy & Early Days for Norfolk and Waveney (JustOneNorfolk)

Midwifery services

Other useful information