Information for referrers to the School Nursing Service

Guidance for referrers to the School Nursing Service

The school nursing service can only offer brief low-level intervention for a time limited period for new and emerging health needs. We are unable to accept referrals that require more specialist, longer term intervention.

Before starting this referral please be aware the School Nursing Service is unable to accept referrals for the following:

  • A child or young person who attends an independent educational provision.
  • A child who attends a Suffolk school but does not reside in Suffolk. 
  • A child or young person who has an urgent medical condition that needs treatment or prescription. Please contact your doctor or call NHS 111, or in an emergency dial 999 or visit your local Emergency Department.
  • A child or young person who needs counselling or long-term mental health support, is presenting with serious or complex deliberate self-harm, eating concerns, suicide ideation or planning or who is suffering from severe levels of impairment and distress. Please contact the child's GP.
  • A child or young person whose health needs are already being supported by a relevant specialist for that need. For example, specialist nurses, a hospital department, paediatrician, or mental health service.
  • If you have concerns of a safeguarding nature, please refer these to the MASH via: Suffolk Family Support (formally known as Early Help) Portal or phone 0808 800 4005. If you would like to discuss a welfare concern, please contact the MASH Consultation Line on 0345 606 1499.
  • If the concern is complex or requires multi-agency working, an Early Help Assessment (EHA) (formally known as Common Assessment Framework, or CAF) may be appropriate. Please contact our Health Business Centre on 0345 607 8866 for advice. EHAs are submitted via: Suffolk Family Support Portal.
  • Where there are concerns regarding a neurological impairment, Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), information regarding the referral process for these is available at East and West Suffolk Neurodevelopmental Pathway
  • Children who live in Norfolk/Cambridgeshire but attend a Suffolk School.

If you require guidance or have questions about the referral process, please contact our Health and Business Centre on 0345 607 8866 or email